Pomodoro Technique

Zounash Khan
1 min readAug 21, 2020

Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed in the late 1980s. It helps to break down work into time intervals (traditionally 25 minutes) with a short break (3–5 minutes). It helps to manage distractions and keep motivated.

I have been struggling with time management and productivity due to a lack of discipline while performing tasks and distractions like social media. Using the Pomodoro technique was difficult at the starting to be completely focused on one thing and not using the phone in between, for example. But with the number of tasks done I got used to it and got to know the benefit of it.

This technique helped me in accomplishing my tasks on time. Before I used to complete my tasks with different distractions going on, using my phone or just going and sitting with family but this technique helped me stay focused and complete my tasks in much lesser time and had proper time to sit with family instead of in different intervals.

Pomodoro Technique helped me in achieving one of my goals of time management, managing my professional and personal life together. It helped me feel more productive and focused. I am planning on keeping using this technique in the future too.

